Friday, June 8, 2007

Fire From Heaven

I saw a circular set of windows in the heavens. Balls of fire were shooting out of them, falling towards earth. As the fire hit earth, God's people fell to receive the fire. They fell face down. The area suddenly filled with tongues; God's tongues. Everyone was speaking in tongues.

As this happened, God said, "I am declaring a new Tower of Babel that will be shared with not just this region, but with the whole world. This new Tower of Babel will live within my people."

- Lawreida

[Editor's note: This word needs a little explanation. In Genesis 11:4-9 we read:

They said, "Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth." The Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. The Lord said, "Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another's speech." So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city. Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth.

According to the Lord, these people possessed two extremely important characteristics: They were one people, and had the same language. Because of this, He recognized that nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them! For this reason, He moved to separate and divide them by language and geography.

The vision and word which Lawreida received reveals that the Lord is now moving to bring us, His people, into a new level of unity and understanding that is similar to that of Babel! The difference, of course, is that we will be doing whatever He purposes...not working to fulfill some human agenda or plan.

But the powerful result will be the same: Because of this deep new unity, nothing which we do together to fulfill His purposes will be impossible for us!

For further study, read Psalm 133; Acts 2:43-47, 4:24-35; Ephesians 4:1-16.]

Our Loving And Humorous God

Tonight I experienced a different side of God. I sensed His Joy, Peace, Love and even His humor…even the children were in the presence of God just having fun in Him. At times I thought they were a distraction, but God said no. Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. (Matthew 19:14) Then I saw a green field, like the pastures in Psalm 23:2, and all of us that were there were having such a great time in the Lord. I could hear Him laughing...some of us were dancing; some were twirling, and some running with deep expression of joy upon our faces. The sky was and white...the sun was shining....we were just having fun.

I kept hearing Him say, “I’m coming for you, wait and see.” As the music played and we were waving our banners, I heard the Lord saying whee....whee....whee a child at play. I smiled and felt Him embrace me, and He said, “It’s good to relax and have fun in My presence, like a child playing ever so freely. I want you to play…it doesn't have to be church as usual, or church 24 hours / seven days a week, that's a spirit of religion. I'm not there; I'm where freedom in the Spirit is being released. I'm in places where only the free can enter, where hearts are turned towards me and not carried away by every wind of doctrine, where those who call themselves preachers of righteousness practice all sorts of idolatry. I called you to be play, have fun. For you are all My children no matter what age. You can have pure, clean fun and learn how to relax in Me. Place all your concerns at the altar, and enjoy life in me, for I anoint you with My joy, peace and love." LOVE.

The Lord began to show me a clip from The Passion of scene in particular…Jesus was a carpenter and He was building a table, and Mary asked Him about the table and chairs, and Jesus pretended to be sitting, looking at his mother smiling. My heart was filled with so much love it brought tears to my eyes. Then He took me to another scene [from the movie] when He was a little boy and He fell and His mother Mary ran to His aid and picked Him up to console Him. Then I saw Mary remembering that time, as she looked at Jesus as He fell to the floor with so much pain and agony, but His eyes were filled with LOVE and forgiveness…and a knowing that these things must take place. Then I saw Him on the cross…and my tears came rolling down my cheeks. And He said, “I died and rose again so you can LIVE.”

There's no greater joy, peace or love than when Jesus stretched out His arms for us.

- Jackie


The first thing the Lord said to me this evening was drink...drink freely; then He gave me John 7:37.

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink, he who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."

What satisfaction in the Lord's presence as we worshiped. And they shall worship Me in Spirit and in Truth...

We knew the delight of the Lord as He engaged us in play. Freedom pressed and released a sweet worship.

I came away from last night’s meeting with a certainty that our Lord is in full swing of restoring His body. A certainty that the measure of unity within the body will be unprecedented, the going out will be met with great power as we go into the harvest field and cast shadows. A going out that will result in all needs being met...and He went out and healed all of their diseases...A knowing that the return of our King is closer today than it was yesterday. Whooo Hooo! Glory to God!

Let the earth shake and tremble for the foot of the Lord is about to touch down!

What an exciting time to be walking with the Lord; almost surreal are the events we are beginning to witness...greater things shall you do...whispers my Lord...

Lord...You said, Follow Me...then You said drink...we declare that there would be a response to Your invitation...

We've been invited by the King! We must respond!

- Helga

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Christ the Door

So Jesus said again, I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that I Myself am the Door for the sheep.

I am the Door; anyone who enters in through Me will be saved (will live). He will come in and he will go out [freely], and will find pasture.

John 10:7, 9 [Amplified]

As we worshiped, the verses of two songs spoke to my heart: “I will follow You,” and “I'm desperate for You.”

I saw a door open up as we sang, “I will follow You.” Through the open door, there was a bright light shining, and then I saw fire...beautiful flames. It reminded me of Moses and the burning bush. (Exodus 3:1-4)

As I stared at the door and continued singing, “I will follow You,” and “I'm desperate for You,” I heard the Lord speak to my heart saying,

“You have said in your heart that you will follow Me, and you have stated in song that you are desperate for Me, but My question to you is: are you willing to go through the door? Are you willing to sacrifice all for Me?”

“For I am looking for a people who will stand the test of time, a people who are willing to go through the fire and whose hearts are sold out for Me. For I am a jealous God and besides Me there is no other.

“I am looking for a people whose faith is stretched beyond measure, who will believe and trust in Me to do the impossible in their lives, and a people who will take My word to the end of earth.”

“For I am doing a great work in this region and I'm snatching men and woman for My plan, those who will hear My voice and follow Me without hesitation or concern for the things in the world.

“For My sheep know My voice and they follow Me. And they will do greater works, for this is a new season, so come enter the door and experience the newness of life in Me.”

“I am the door, I am the way, I am the truth and the life.”

- Jackie

Friday, June 1, 2007

The True Followers

The Sermon on the Mount might be one of the first events where the stark contrast between those that follow and those that don’t becomes apparent.

The multitudes that came to see and hear saw Jesus and His followers and must have thought looking at them that, they are differentthey are set apartthey are not like us…and maybe for the first time the disciples must have looked out at the multitudes and thought the same thing…we are differentwe have been set apart…we no longer are part of this multitude…we are followers of Christ.

Jesus says…come follow Me

Do we respond with a yes then apply the title of a Christian based on our first response and do nothing in the way of following?? To be a Christian is to follow…it should be apparent to those that do and to those that don’t.
