Saturday, August 4, 2007

One Holy Place of Worship

“These are the statutes and the judgments which you shall carefully observe in the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you to possess as long as you live on the earth. You shall utterly destroy all the places where the nations whom you shall dispossess serve their gods, on the high mountains and on the hills and under every green tree. You shall tear down their altars and smash their sacred pillars and burn their Asherim with fire, and you shall cut down the engraved images of their gods and obliterate their name from that place. You shall not act like this toward the Lord your God. But you shall seek the LORD at the place which the Lord your God will choose from all your tribes, to establish His name there for His dwelling, and there you shall come. There you shall bring your burnt offerings, your sacrifices, your tithes, the contribution of your hand, your votive offerings, your freewill offerings, and the firstborn of your herd and of your flock. There also you and your households shall eat before the Lord your God, and rejoice in all your undertakings in which the Lord your God has blessed you.” Deut. 12:1-7

God wants worship all for Himself. He's not willing to share it with any other little gods.

In these strategic times of worship unto Him, there is going to be such an outpouring of His Spirit upon the people. There will be new songs being birthed and His Word will go forth like never before. Those who come to see what's going on will not only see but they will taste the goodness of our Lord.

Last night our Furnace session was very special for Him. He was so pleased with the worship. In the supernatural God gave us the vision of a Golden Key unlocking the Gate. I was so overwhelmed feeling such heat, and each time I opened my mouth to pray the more I felt the heat. God was breathing a fresh Word upon the region saying, “Do away with idol worship, come into a new place in Me where only I get ALL THE GLORY.” Surely it isn't church as usual, or even let’s get together to sing songs that give us a quick fix as the weekend begins to set in.

I believe God wants to release a fresh sound in this region. This fresh sound is combined with His Word and true worship resulting in growth, healing, deliverance, and unity. ONE VOICE....HIS!!!!! It will hit the news! The angelic visitation and sounds coming forth from the singers and the musician last night played a significant part in what God is doing in this region. We are to expect the unexpected, because there will be times when He will move quickly and what may seem out of line will be on target with God.

We have become so complacent in our walk with God, but He has already brought the change and we are literally thrown into it. Many may look upon what we are doing and not totally agree, but it’s okay because when the enemy (satan) says no, God has already said YES.

The dots of our hearts were connected to His last night. God has prepared and is preparing us for this time. Some will receive full benefits and some only partial, but this spiritual warfare is not in vain. It's not by force that we entered the enemy’s camp, we entered because it was our desire to stand up and be counted. The more of Jesus we become like, the less of the world we will adapt to.

Only ONE PLACE OF WORSHIP...and it’s found in Him.


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